Relieve Pain... Fir heat relieves pain by expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach injured areas of the body and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Many people use fir heat to alleviate the pain and discomfort of arthritis, rheumatism & mussel spasms.
Control Weight...Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process of sweating requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110°F allowing the body to sweat out fats and toxins.
Eliminate Toxins... Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol, carcinogenic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel) and mercury accumulate in the body during modern daily life. Infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands that cleanse and detoxify the skin. FIR heat technology simply speeds up the body's natural process!
Reduce Stress... Infrared heat loosens muscles and relaxes the body prior to a message. Many massage therapists use infrared heat to provide more thorough and effective treatments
Benefit Skin... Infrared heat improves circulation, expels dirt and chemicals and removes dead cells on the surface of the skin. All of these benefits lead to a more soft and firm complexion.
Tanning Beds & Booths
Your Tanning Spa
Treat yourself to a mini-vacation! At Todays Image Tanning it's so easy to slip away, relax and be pampered. Todays Image Tanning has been named - for seven years in a row - as one of the top tanning salons in the U.S. Why? Our trained staff, the personalized service, the premium products and state-of-the-art tanning beds are just the beginning. You'll walk out looking great and feeling even better.
World's Most Advanced Tanning Technology
Whether you're fair or olive complexioned, your results are always nothing short of perfection. At Todays Image Tanning, we always invest in the latest technologies to bring you unparalleled results and an amazing tanning experience each and every time.
Perfect for All Skin Types
No matter your skin type, our friendly and professional staff can help you achieve the tan you've always wanted. We offer a wide range of reclining or vertical high and low pressure tanning beds with exposure times from 8 minutes to 20 minutes, for every skin type and every preference. And, with 4 levels and multiple beds you never have to wait long!
The Today's Image Difference
We love to pamper you, so your visit feels like a relaxing getaway to a mini-spa. All tanning consultants are certified and complete a rigorous ongoing training program, enabling you to achieve a sumptuous tan every time. And with our 10-point sanitation procedure after every use, Todays Image Tanning delivers unparalleled cleanliness. Your complete satisfaction with our services and products is guaranteed. Call us or visit us today, just scroll down below the map for contact information.
UV-Free Tanning
A Sun-Kissed Glow with All the Options You Want
The Versa Tan is the perfect UV-free spray tanning solution that gives you a "just from the beach" look in seconds. Or if you're striving for Red Carpet Perfection before an event or special occasion. You get a beautiful golden tan that's completely natural looking... with NO UV-rays. . Be sure to visit or call our store for pre-prep Versa suggestions.
Look Fantastic in Seconds
Going to a reunion? Getting married? (Congratulations, by the way!) With MVersa Tan's revolutionary technology, you can have a natural looking tan in under a minute that your friends - and enemies - will envy. And, there are no tan lines, so go ahead and wear that strapless dress!
Perfect for All Skin Types
No matter how fair or dark your skin, Mystic Tan helps you achieve the tan you've always wanted with three different spray levels. You'll walk out of Todays Image with immediate results, and your tan continues to deepen over the next 4 to 8 hours. And our premium spray tanning technology ensures that it lasts for days. Plus the Instant Bronzer will give you immediate color !
Silky Supple Skin
Our Versa Tan booth provides the world-leading spray tan with premium ingredients. With more than 65% aloe vera liquid in our spray tan solutions, not only will you get a natural-looking tan, but your skin will be softer and smoother with added hydration. You'll feel the difference.
A Super-Model Look at a Super Affordable Price
Celebrities, super models, and tens of thousands of people just like you all choose Mystic Tan Spray Tans because of their uniform, natural looking, long-lasting results. But it's also very affordable. We offer multiple pricing options from single visits to monthly memberships. So no matter what levels of tanning frequency you choose, you still get great savings.
See It In Action
Watch the Versa videos to see how this amazing UV Free tanning technologies perform their magic to give you perfect color every time!
The Todays Image Tanning Difference
We love to pamper you, so your visit feels like a trip to a mini-spa. All tanning consultants are certified and complete a rigorous ongoing training program, enabling you to achieve a sumptuous tan every time. And with out 10-point sanitation procedure after every use, Todays Image Tanning delivers unparalleled cleanliness. Your complete satisfaction with our services and products is guaranteed. Call or visit us today.
Relieve Pain... Fir heat relieves pain by expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach injured areas of the body and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Many people use fir heat to alleviate the pain and discomfort of arthritis, rheumatism & mussel spasms.
Control Weight...Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process of sweating requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110°F allowing the body to sweat out fats and toxins.
Eliminate Toxins... Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol, carcinogenic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel) and mercury accumulate in the body during modern daily life. Infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands that cleanse and detoxify the skin. FIR heat technology simply speeds up the body's natural process!
Reduce Stress... Infrared heat loosens muscles and relaxes the body prior to a message. Many massage therapists use infrared heat to provide more thorough and effective treatments
Benefit Skin... Infrared heat improves circulation, expels dirt and chemicals and removes dead cells on the surface of the skin. All of these benefits lead to a more soft and firm complexion.
Tanning Beds & Booths
Your Tanning Spa
Treat yourself to a mini-vacation! At Todays Image Tanning it's so easy to slip away, relax and be pampered. Todays Image Tanning has been named - for seven years in a row - as one of the top tanning salons in the U.S. Why? Our trained staff, the personalized service, the premium products and state-of-the-art tanning beds are just the beginning. You'll walk out looking great and feeling even better.
World's Most Advanced Tanning Technology
Whether you're fair or olive complexioned, your results are always nothing short of perfection. At Todays Image Tanning, we always invest in the latest technologies to bring you unparalleled results and an amazing tanning experience each and every time.
Perfect for All Skin Types
No matter your skin type, our friendly and professional staff can help you achieve the tan you've always wanted. We offer a wide range of reclining or vertical high and low pressure tanning beds with exposure times from 8 minutes to 20 minutes, for every skin type and every preference. And, with 4 levels and multiple beds you never have to wait long!
The Today's Image Difference
We love to pamper you, so your visit feels like a relaxing getaway to a mini-spa. All tanning consultants are certified and complete a rigorous ongoing training program, enabling you to achieve a sumptuous tan every time. And with our 10-point sanitation procedure after every use, Todays Image Tanning delivers unparalleled cleanliness. Your complete satisfaction with our services and products is guaranteed. Call us or visit us today, just scroll down below the map for contact information.
UV-Free Tanning
A Sun-Kissed Glow with All the Options You Want
The Versa Tan is the perfect UV-free spray tanning solution that gives you a "just from the beach" look in seconds. Or if you're striving for Red Carpet Perfection before an event or special occasion. You get a beautiful golden tan that's completely natural looking... with NO UV-rays. . Be sure to visit or call our store for pre-prep Versa suggestions.
Look Fantastic in Seconds
Going to a reunion? Getting married? (Congratulations, by the way!) With MVersa Tan's revolutionary technology, you can have a natural looking tan in under a minute that your friends - and enemies - will envy. And, there are no tan lines, so go ahead and wear that strapless dress!
Perfect for All Skin Types
No matter how fair or dark your skin, Mystic Tan helps you achieve the tan you've always wanted with three different spray levels. You'll walk out of Todays Image with immediate results, and your tan continues to deepen over the next 4 to 8 hours. And our premium spray tanning technology ensures that it lasts for days. Plus the Instant Bronzer will give you immediate color !
Silky Supple Skin
Our Versa Tan booth provides the world-leading spray tan with premium ingredients. With more than 65% aloe vera liquid in our spray tan solutions, not only will you get a natural-looking tan, but your skin will be softer and smoother with added hydration. You'll feel the difference.
A Super-Model Look at a Super Affordable Price
Celebrities, super models, and tens of thousands of people just like you all choose Mystic Tan Spray Tans because of their uniform, natural looking, long-lasting results. But it's also very affordable. We offer multiple pricing options from single visits to monthly memberships. So no matter what levels of tanning frequency you choose, you still get great savings.
See It In Action
Watch the Versa videos to see how this amazing UV Free tanning technologies perform their magic to give you perfect color every time!
The Todays Image Tanning Difference
We love to pamper you, so your visit feels like a trip to a mini-spa. All tanning consultants are certified and complete a rigorous ongoing training program, enabling you to achieve a sumptuous tan every time. And with out 10-point sanitation procedure after every use, Todays Image Tanning delivers unparalleled cleanliness. Your complete satisfaction with our services and products is guaranteed. Call or visit us today.